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We dedicate this page to the We Care Platform partners and we would like to thank them for publicizing us on their social networks.


Pedro Afonso Rezende is a renowned Youtuber in Brazil and abroad. He has 27 million subscribers on his channel and seven million on Instagram.

Marcia Kobayashi

Headmaster of St. James International School where the co-founders of the We Care Platform studied before embarking abroad.

Thiago Nassif

Londrina journalist embraced our cause by publicizing our platform on The Londrina Journal and on his social media.

Sol Gouvea

Fernanda Nabhan

Micheli Pessoto

Carol Tognon

Dra. Priscila Figueiredo 

Déborah Kobayashi

Juliana Kauam

Gustavo Godoy

Apresentador de TV.

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